Current Projects
- EU SNS PREDICT-6G – PRogrammable AI-Enabled DeterminIstiC neTworking for 6G – Grant agreement 101095890 (
- Project objective: PREDICT-6G aims to create a secure, modular, interoperable, and extensible deterministic network and management framework that automates the definition, provisioning, monitoring, fulfillment, and life-cycle management of end-to-end deterministic services over multiple network domains. This will hide the complexity of continuously balancing and re-configuring the constituent domain specific enablers to maintain a consistent end-to-end determinism.
- Main role in the project: leader of Work Package 1 on the definition of System Architecture, Use cases and Business Impact.
- EU SNS DESIRE6G – Deep Programmability and Secure Distributed Intelligence for Real-Time End-to-End 6G Networks – Grant agreement 101096466 (
- Project objective: DESIRE6G aims to design and develop a novel zero-touch control, management, and orchestration platform, with native integration of AI, to support eXtreme URLLC application requirements over a performant, measurable and programable data plane.
- Main role in the project: leader of Task 6.2 on Standardization and Open-source Activities.
- EU SNS 6Green – Green Technologies For 5/6G Service-Based Architectures – Grant agreement 101096925 (
- Project objective: The 6Green project aims to conceive, design, and realize an innovative service-based and holistic ecosystem, able to extend the communication infrastructure into a sustainable, interconnected, greener end-to-end inter-compute system, supporting all types of services and interconnected networks and promote energy efficiency across the whole 5/6G value-chain. The ultimate objective of the project is to enable and to foster 5/6G networks and vertical applications, reducing their carbon footprint by a factor of 10 or more with respect to business-as-usual scenarios.
- Main role in the project: leader of Task 4.1 on Green Business Models for 5/6G Vertical Stakeholders.
- EU HE NEMO – Next Generation Meta Operating System – Grant agreement 101070118 (
- Project objective: ΝΕΜΟ aims to define an open source, modular and cybersecure meta-operating system for the AIoT-edge-cloud continuum leveraging on existing technologies and introducing novel concepts, methods, tools, testing and engagement campaigns. NEMO will bring intelligence closer to the data and make AI-as-a-Service an integral part of network self-organization and micro-services execution orchestration.
- Main role in the project: leader of Work Package 2 on Enhancing NEMO Underlaying Technology.
- EU HE CODECO – COgnitive Decentralised Edge-Cloud Orchestration – Grant agreement 101092696 (
- Project objective: The overall aim of CODECO is to contribute to a smoother and more flexible support of services across the Edge-Cloud continuum via the creation of a novel, cognitive Edge-Cloud management framework. To achieve this aim, CODECO proposes a unique, smart, and cross-layer orchestration between the decentralized data flow, computation, and networking services, to address Edge-Cloud challenges derived from the rising Internet and IoT service decentralization.
- Main role in the project: leader of Task 3.5 on Network Management and Adaptation.
- Spanish UNICO-5G I+D projects
- 6G-BLUR ( and
- Main role: Principal Investigator (PI) from Telefónica in these projects.
Past Projects
- Spanish UNICO-5G I+D projects
- Main role: Principal Investigator (PI) from Telefónica in these projects.
- EU GSA ROOT – Rolling Out OSNMA for the secure synchronization of Telecom networks – Grant agreement 101004261 (
- Project objective: ROOT aims to assess the benefits introduced by the Galileo authenticated signals (OSNMA) in the specific context of synchronization of 5G telecommunications networks. Specifically, ROOT purpose is to estimate the increased resilience that OSNMA can bring to GNSS-based timing sources. This is obtained through an experimental approach which enables the measurement of the increased level of robustness provided by the use of a mix of emerging technologies.
- Main role in the project: leader of Work Package 1 on the definition of secure 5G network synchronization architecture and requirements.
- H2020 5GROWTH – 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries – Grant agreement 856709 (
- Project objective: the goal of 5GROWTH is the technical and business validation of 5G technologies from a vertical’s point of view, following a field-trial-based approach on vertical sites. With that purpose, the project defines an AI-driven automated and sharable 5G end-to-end solution allowing vertical industries to simultaneously achieve their respective key performance targets.
- Main role in the project: leader of Task 1.3 on business layer modelling and SLAs.
- H2020 5G-DIVE – eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation – Grant agreement 859881 ( This project was a joint Europe – Taiwan project.
- Project objective: 5G-DIVE targets end-to-end 5G trials aimed at proving the technical merits and business value proposition of 5G technologies in two vertical pilots, namely Industry 4.0 and Autonomous Drone Scout. These trials put in action an end-to-end 5G design tailored to the requirements of the applications targeted in each vertical pilot, such as digital twinning and drone fleet navigation applications.
- Main role in the project: leader of Task 1.1 for the analysis of the vertical industry use cases including their business, functional, and technical requirements, as well as the techno-economic analysis of the project.
- H2020 5G-EVE – 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials – Grant agreement 815074 (
- Project objective: 5G EVE is the European 5G validation platform for extensive trials. It is one of three 5G PPP infrastructure projects started on 1st July 2018. The goal is to implement and test advanced 5G infrastructures in Europe. The 5G-EVE concept is based on further developing and interconnecting 4 existing European sites to form a unique 5G end-to-end facility.
- Main role in the project: Leader of Task 3.2 for definition of 5G-EVE site interconnection framework, and Task 6.1 on standardization strategy.
- EU-BR NECOS – Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing – Grant agreement 777067 ( This project was a joint Europe – Brazil project.
- Project objective: A unique service provider sometimes owns the data centers supporting the cloud, but there is a trend to a fully distributed architecture, where several data center providers will have to cooperate through the interconnection of their computation and storage infrastructure. The interconnection network is a fundamental part in the performance of such a distributed cloud environment. The set of resources that will enable a service to be deployed fulfilling its specific requirements over time gives rise to the Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud (LSDC) concept.
- Main role in the project: Leader of Work Package 2 on Service Requirements, covering use cases, system requirements and techno-economic analysis.
- H2020 5G-Transformer – 5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals – Grant agreement 761536 (
- Project objective: Transformation of today’s mobile transport network into an SDN/NFV-based Mobile Transport and Computing Platform (MTP), which brings the “Network Slicing” paradigm into mobile transport networks by provisioning and managing MTP slices tailored to the specific needs of vertical industries.
- Main role in the project: Leader of Task 1.3 addressing techno-economic implications of 5G-Transformer solution.
- H2020 5GEx – 5G-Exchange (
- Project objective: The 5GEx project is creating an agile exchange mechanism for contracting, invoking and settling for the wholesale consumption of resources and virtual network services which can be provisioned in less than 90 minutes and rapidly invoked.This will enable network operators, applications providers and other stakeholders in the 5G supply chain to deliver new service value for 5G customers and at the same creating and enhancing revenue-generating potential for 5G providers, third party verticals and others in the supply chain
- Main role in the Project: Leader of WP2 for Architecture and Use Cases, and leader of Task 5.2 for Standardization
- H2020 5G-Crosshaul – The 5G Integrated fronthaul / backhaul – Grant agreement 671598 (
- Project objective: 5G-Crosshaul aims at developing an adaptive, sharable, cost-efficient 5G transport network solution integrating the fronthaul and backhaul segments of the network. This transport network will flexibly interconnect distributed 5G radio access and core network functions, hosted on in-network cloud nodes
- Main role in the Project: Leader of Task 1.1 on Use Cases and Requirements
- ESA CloudSat – Scenarios for integration of satellite components in future networks – Activity Code: 1C.017 (
- Project objective: The CloudSat study focuses on the applicability of virtualisation and softwarisation technologies to satcom platforms and determining the benefits and the challenges associated with the integration of satellite infrastructures into future cloud Networks.
- Main role in the Project: Leader of WP1 devoted to perform an extensive state-of-the-art survey of emerging virtualisation technologies
- FI-PPP XIFI – eXperimental Infrastructures for the Future Internet – Grant agreement 604590 (
- Project objective: The goal of XIFI project aimed to support advanced experiments on the FI-PPP core platform, leveraging on advanced test infrastructures and Future Internet services to cope with large trial deployments involving users. This was achieved through a core federation of test infrastructures, and by coordinating efforts with ongoing FI infrastructures and pilots (FIRE, EIT ICT Labs, CIP pilots, Living Labs) assisted by pan-European infrastructures such as GÉANT.
- Main role in the project: leader of Task 3.1 for SDN control of virtual network infrastructures.
- EU FP7 GEYSERS – Generalised architEcture for dYnamic infraStructure sERvices – Grant agreement 248657 (
- Project objective: GEYSERS proposed an architecture enabling optical network infrastructure providers to compose logical infrastructures including IT resources and rent them out to network operators by means of integrated control and management techniques.
- Main role in the project: co-leader of WP2 defining the architecture of the project and the interfaces for interacting among the different components proposed.